• (Re)Ignite Your Spirit!







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    • After the long challenging months, this is your opportunity to give time to yourself, to recharge your battery and nurture your entire self - mind, body, and soul, so that you have more energy for all the important roles in your life!
    • Meet a group of like-minded women and gain strength and support from bonding together on a journey of spiritual growth. 
    • Gain a new level of clarity for going forward in your life.
    • You know you’ve been craving to grow in your spiritual connection with God!
    • This is your moment to uncover the secret language of your divine soul and begin to consciously co-create the most empowered and connected life you can imagine!
    • We will be praying to create new merits and yeshuot for ourselves and our loved ones!
    • Having a Russian-speaking guide makes everything easier and smoother on this trip.

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    Dina Grussgott, London

    We only came back yesterday and I am already missing my new fun family! I have no words for the incredible, enthralling, inspiring, jam-packed trip with you and the "girls". There might be other trips in my future, but the first one will always be special. A once in a lifetime memory to treasure. Thank you, Leah, for leading our group on a journey that felt like I was living "alte heim" history, while somehow being accommodated so comfortably.

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    Tova Rice, Jerusalem:

    Moved to spiritual tears! Leah took us to new heights with our relationship with Hashem. She prepared us with background and stories of each tzadik so our davening could take us to a deeper place. And the surprising benefit was the closeness we all felt for each other. We even had a reunion 10 days after we returned! I have a feeling we’ll be friends for life. I highly recommend going with Leah if you are yearning for a spiritual uplift. We left wanting more and more and more……

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    Lena Erez, Jerusalem:

    Harmony is the best word to describe the trip to Ukraine. Sharing our stories and aspirations, looking out and praying for one another, we went from being acquaintances to friends in just a matter of hours. The overall experience exceeded my expectations in terms of the ease of the commute between villages, the comfortable lodging, and the delicious Kosher food. Leah led with efficiency and ease, guiding us with wisdom and inspiration. So, if you’re looking for more spirituality and positive vibes in your life, this short but powerful journey is for you.

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    Rabbanit Bat Chen Grossman, Kochav Yaakov

    Leah’s superpower is creating long-lasting bonds between the participants as well as leading each individual to their own ah-ha moments, where they can find clarity and the courage to take the next best step. During the year after participating in her Elul retreat, I achieved every single item I had put down on my vision board. I highly recommend anything Leah does with much love and appreciation.


    After 8 months of on and off lockdowns, we all feel overwhelmed and tired. With so much hardship, we need to reconnected to our divine soul. If you are ready to take a break from the mad dash and feel it is time to nurture your soul and reignite your spirit with a whole new level of closeness to Hashem, join me on this retreat of spiritual rejuvenation and celebration of Torah in Ukraine!

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    • Pray by the resting places of the holy chassidic masters: The Baal Shem Tov, Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi - the Baal Hatanya, Rabbi Levi Yitzhak of Berdichev, Rabbi Nachman and Rabbi Natan
    • Learn inspirational chassidic Torah that will shed new light on your life journey and ignite your soul to thrive
    • Experience a higher level of closeness to God, while meditating in the open fields and gorgeous vistas
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    • Bond with other like-minded people to develop new friendships
    • Develop greater self-awareness and self-love through Leah's coaching workshops
    • Celebrate shabbos in Hadiatch 
    • Connect to your soul's deepest places with special chassidic tunes (niggunim)
    • Celebrate your love of Torah through dancing  and singing 
    • Eat the best kosher ice cream on this side of the Atlantic. 
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    For participants coming from Israel, we will arrive and return on El Al flights. Participants from other locations can choose the flights of their choice.


    We will travel through Ukraine in a VIP van, equipped with plush reclining seats, air conditioning, WI-FI, charging outlets, and a music system.



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    In Medzhybizh we will stay at the Holiness Hotel, located right next to The Baal Shem Tov's resting place and minutes from the storied beit midrash.


    In Uman, we will lodge at the Landau B Hotel. Rabbi Nachman's tziyun is just a 2-minute walk away.


    All hotel rooms are air-conditioned and equipped with all the necessities.


    In Hadiatch, we will stay at the charming tzimmer rooms and breathe in the serenity of the site.



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    Delicious Glatt Kosher breakfast and dinner will be served every day, with a variety and service you don't get to see often. All meals include an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables.


    Imagine enjoying three sumptuous shabbos meals you didn't have to cook? Every yiddishe mama's not-so-secret dream come true. A hearty melave malka, with music and dancing, will be served after shabbos.


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    Covid-19 information

    The following are required for visitors from all countries:

    • A negative PCR Covid test performed under 72 hours prior to landing in Ukraine. The test result form must be in English, Russian, or Ukrainian. You CANNOT perform the test upon arrival and need to have it before flying to Ukraine.
    • A Ukrainian insurance policy (costs around Euro 6 and can be purchased here
    • If your country requires a negative test for you to fly back home, a Covid test can be performed at the Kiev airport before returning.


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    Ever since I was a child, my Jewish identity has been front and center in my life.


    Though I was born in the Soviet Union, where learning and practicing Torah was banned and being Jewish was a "handicap," I insisted on connecting in every way I could to our heritage. In the Jewish village of my grandfather, I'd pick up words in Yiddish exchanged by his friends. At nights, I would fall asleep listening to clandestine broadcasts of the Israeli radio in Russian on my father's old transistor. And when I was 12, my mother took me into a snow-covered forest, far from prying ears, and taught me everything she knew about Judaism and Israel.


    After years of wanting to learn more about Judaism, my opportunity came shortly after the fall of Communism. When the first shipment of translated siddurim and chumashim arrived in Russia, I got a set. Reading the stories of the chumash and learning the halachot in the siddur sparked a life-long love of Torah learning that I have been privileged to continue ever since.


    Yet it was my encounter with the teachings of the chassidut that has had the most profound impact on my life. The holy teaching of the Baal Shem Tov and the Baal Hatanya removed the veil that had covered my eyes and showed me a whole new dimension to this world, the divine underpinning that makes everything not what it seems to be. The writings of the Netivot Shalom charted my path towards finding my God-given life mission and helping hundreds of other women find theirs. The words of Rabbi Nachman have encouraged me to talk my heart out to Hashem, knowing with absolute certainty that He is listening.


    Learning and teaching chassidut transformed Torah learning from an intellectual pursuit into a journey of the heart and the soul. I started seeing and hearing more clearly than ever before how Hashem was speaking to me both in the outer and inner worlds. My life and experiences gained meaning and made sense, even if I do not always understand Hashem's plan.


    Connecting the teachings of the chassidut with coaching tools has helped me access deep and powerful insights for myself and my students. I became aware of feeling connected to Hashem and His world. I feel guided by Him to spread His Torah and give more women access to these empowering teachings.


    Today it is my greatest joy to share what I have learned with other spiritually-minded women like you.


    Have a question? Email me at any time

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